- 摘要是一个300字左右的简要归纳。
- It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words .
- 摘要是一个300字左右的简要归纳。
- It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words .
- 首先,文章对于近年来关于乔叟的女性主义评论作了一个大概的总结,针对其中普里西拉?马丁的观点提出自己的看法。
- First , the essay begins with a brief summary on the recent feminist criticisms , and sets up its own argument against priscilla martin 's opinion .
- 我却得出相反的结论。
- I draw the opposite conclusion .
- 文章的结论是什么呢?
- The conclusion of the paper ?
- 那时他在我们采访结束时对我说的最后一个词。
- That 's the last word he says to me at the conclusion of the interview .