- 我并不是故意要选择naturenetwork做为反例。
- I don 't mean to pick on nature network .
- 这一切意味着什么?
- What does this all mean ?
- 没有哪家公司的表现能够无限期地超出平均水平。
- No company can outperform the mean indefinitely .
- 美国在现金调拔上是小气的。
- Its cash transfers are stingy .
- 为单亲家庭和穷人争取利益的人说,不应该在衰退的时候吝啬。
- Campaigners for single parents and the poor say a recession is no time to get stingy .
- 因为现在的工作经常有带薪假期,看来这种解释不太可能除非你很小气。
- Since the current job comes with frequent paid holidays , that is unlikely unless you are being especially stingy .
- 一些老人小偷小摸,以增加他们微薄的购买力。
- Other elderly people resort to petty theft to increase their meager purchasing power .
- 许多企业在设法成立或拓展事业时,都被琐碎的规章束缚着。
- Many businesses are entangled in petty rules when they seek to set up or expand .
- 缺点是高昂的价格和时而琐碎的规定,以及围绕设施使用而产生的冲突。
- On the minus side are premium prices and occasionally petty rules and conflicts over use .
- 孔子说:“(一个在上位的君主)即使有周公那样美好的才能,如果骄傲自大而又吝啬小气,那其他方面也就不值得一看了。”
- The master said , " though a man have abilities as admirable as those of the duke of chau , yet if he be proud and niggardly , those other things are really not worth being looked at . "
- 为饥饿所迫,他为极少的工资而工作。
- Forced by hunger , he worked for the most niggardly pay .
- 一个几乎把自己和别人饿死的吝啬的人。
- A niggardly person who starves himself ( and others ) .