- 在他的手中,他拿着的是一把古典的在19世纪被阿迪格人民使用的阿迪格小提琴。
- In his hands , he holds a traditional adygei violin used by adygei people up to the 19th century .
- 人们过去经常到处演奏这种两弦的小提琴,无论是婚礼现场还是葬礼上。
- People used to play this two-string violin everywhere , from wedding parties to funeral processions .
- 除这些之外还有演奏本身的神秘感。巴赫是让羽管键琴带头呢还是让小提琴带头?
- And on top of that came the mysteries of performance . Did bach lead from the harpsichord or the violin ?
- 那些跳舞者,也是斗牛士的助手,身穿彩色服装伴随着竖琴与小提琴的乐声跳过一双双剪刀的空隙处。
- Dancers , known as cuadrillas , wear colorful costumes and jump through the air with pairs of scissors to the accompaniment of harp and fiddle music .
- 这里有前提保障,以确保不利的观点不会影响小提琴的市值。
- That was a condition of the loans , in order that an adverse opinion should not affect a fiddle 's market value .
- 他出生在西伯利亚,在4岁的时候接触到第一把小提琴,从此就展现出了过人的天赋。
- He was born in the siberian city of novosibirsk and , after being given a miniature fiddle at the age of four , displayed outstanding aptitude .