- 轻音符介绍乐曲或作品的未加强的一个或多个音符。
- The unstressed note or notes introductory to a phrase or composition .
- 而纳博科夫在palefire里给读者四章共999行双行押韵的长诗,再加上编辑的前言和学术性的评注。
- Nabokov gives the reader four cantos of pale fire , 999 lines of rhyming couplets , plus an editor 's foreword and scholarly annotations .
- 在我们今年2月发布的一份报告的前言中,我们强烈要求英国政府“立即采取行动……让我们在面对石油危机时,不要像面对信贷危机那样手足无措”。
- In the foreword to our report published in february we urged the uk government to " act now ... don 't let the oil crunch catch us out in the way the credit crunch did " .
- 去年,一本由皇太后苏格兰住宅,以前梅城堡的员工和她的客人们收集的食谱书出版了,她孙子,查尔斯王储写了序言那恰恰是一本读后足以使人动脉硬化的书。
- Last year , a collection of recipes by former staff and guests at the queen mother 's scottish house , the castle of mey , was published , with a foreword by her ever-devoted grandson , prince charles and just reading it is enough to make the arteries harden .