- 1862年,她根据孩提时代的记忆写成了《小妇人》。
- 1 In 1862 , may alcott wrote little women according to her childhood memory .
- 读着路易莎梅奥尔科特的《小妇人》、幻想着姑娘们和母亲一起做缝纫活儿的场景燃起了我对手工缝纫和刺绣的热爱。
- Reading louisa may alcott 's " little women " and imagining scenes of the girls sewing with their mother fueled my love of hand-sewing and embroidery .
- 其中我最爱的是小妇人;纳尼亚传奇、傲慢与偏见、还有爱丽丝梦游奇境……等,也都是我喜爱的作品。
- My favorite one is the little women by louisa may alcott . I also like the chronicles of narnia , pride and prejudice and also alice in the wonderland .
- 因为在那里我可以做回自己,真的快乐,做个小女人。
- Because I can be myself , be ture happy , be a ladykin there .