- 坎比职业生涯中参加了60场季后赛,这名康乃狄格州哈特福德人在季后赛中平均每场能拿到8.6分和8.8个篮板。
- Camby has appeared in 60 nba playoff games in his career , with the hartford , connecticut native averaging 8.6 points and 8.8 rebounds in the postseason .
- 坎比职业生涯中参加了60场季后赛,这名康乃狄格州哈特福德人在季后赛中平均每场能拿到8.6分和8.8个篮板。
- Camby has appeared in 60 nba playoff games in his career , with the hartford , connecticut native averaging 8.6 points and 8.8 rebounds in the postseason .