- 这是在利基市场的西部荒原吗?
- So is this the wild west in a niche market ?
- 你打算向一个新的利基市场扩张吗?
- Ready to expand into a new niche market ?
- 其他人则寻求利基市场。
- Others have gone for niche markets .
- 在一国方案下,犹太人一个少数民族。
- Under a single-state solution , jews would become a minority .
- 这已经帮助增加了低收入和未成年学生的数量。
- This has helped increase the numbers of lower income and minority students .
- 这个男人是少数人中的一员。
- This man is in the minority .
- 或者他只是一个有弥赛亚情结的狂热的宗教领袖?
- Or was he just another religious cult leader with a major messiah complex ?
- 他发展了对毛的狂热崇拜,并试图成为毛的接班人。
- He develops the mao cult and tries to become mao 's successor .
- 当代人对英雄般的首席执行官的狂热崇拜是问题的根源。
- The modern cult of the heroic chief executive is at the root of the problem .