- 美国国际集团可能挂牌出售的最有价值资产之一,是它的亚洲人寿保险业务。
- One of the most valuable parts of aig likely to be put up for sale is its asian life assurance operation .
- 在12月5日的说明会上主题匆忙从人寿保险变成了美国国际集团的抵押贷款敞口沙利文坚持说情况是“可控制的”。
- In a december 5 presentation the subject hastily changed from life assurance to aig 's mortgage exposure mr sullivan insisted the situation was " manageable " .
- 银行业从科学中借鉴经验的历史由来已久,例如天文学家埃德蒙哈维在17世纪就为人寿保险业编制了死亡率表格。
- Banking has a long history of borrowing ideas from science - astronomer edmund halley was constructing mortality tables for the life assurance industry back in the 17th century .