- 在中央政府的默许下,诸城市和顺德市抛开僵化的教条、陈旧的规章及40年来的失败政策,开始探索更有效的方式。
- With the quiet acquiescence of the central government , zhucheng and shunde ignored doctrine , old laws and 40 years of failed policies in search of a better approach .
- 并为即将进行的全顺德区医院试点工作提供了依据。
- As well as the upcoming all-in shunde district hospitals to provide a basis for experimental work .
- 从顺德饮食文化的精致细腻,有条不紊,反映出一种“治大国若烹小鲜”的泱泱风度。
- From the refinement and great orderliness of the shunde cooking culture , we may see the grand demeanor described as " ruling a great nation just like cooking a small delicacy " .
- TCL电器销售有限公司终端营销策略研究
- Research on Terminal Marketing Strategies of TCL Electrical Sales Ltd
- TCL公司海外市场的销售额较去年同期增长了36.5%,其中在新兴市场上取得了尤其令人瞩目的增长。
- In its overseas market TCL reported an increase of 36.5 % year-on-year , with notable expansion in emerging markets .
- TCL抗皱剂在真丝织物上的应用研究
- Application of TCL Anti - Crease Agent to Silk Fabric