- parenting.com:你的学龄前孩子需要家教吗?
- Parenting.com : will your preschooler need a tutor ?
- 教育您的孩子需要一群学者和教育者,您和您的家教也包含在其中。
- Educating your child involves a community of learners and educators in which you and the tutor belong .
- 有一位中文老师辅导我孩子的功课,而另一位来自伦敦的英语家教则负责他们第一语言的流利程度不至退步。
- A chinese teacher helps my children with their homework and an english tutor from london ensures their first language proficiency doesn 't slide .
- 了不起的导师不见得一定要比学员年长。
- A fantastic mentor doesn 't necessarily have to be older than their mentee .
- 《华盛顿邮报》的CEO兼董事长是扎克伯格多年的导师。
- For years , the ceo and chairman of the washington post has been a mentor to zuckerberg .
- •切记导师、朋友与教练三种角色之间的区别。
- • Remember the difference between a mentor , a friend , and a coach .
- 我们的哲学教师很幽默。
- Our philosophy teacher is very humorous .
- 因为她是位航帆教师。
- Because she 's a sailing teacher .
- 每名班级教师平均带91名学生。
- Classes average 91 students per teacher .