- 也许这样的对比有点牵强。
- The comparison is perhaps farfetched .
- 两国的对比还可以再深入一些。
- The comparison can be pressed further .
- 但这一比较是有缺陷的。
- But the comparison is flawed .
- 与此形成对照的是,比利时却未能理得清楚。
- By contrast belgium has muddled through .
- 应该如何解读这尖锐的对比?
- What explains this stark contrast ?
- 人们认为,这种同情与汽车制造商受到的苛刻待遇形成对照。
- This sympathy is perceived to contrast with the harsh treatment of carmakers .
- 它把自己的命运放入天平。
- That put its fate in the balance .
- 我把它称作天平受力模型。
- I call it the fore balance model .
- 不过,天平就要倾斜了。
- But the balance is about to tip .
- 去年,这一比率反过来了。
- That ratio flipped last year .
- 但该国的债务比率实在太高了。
- But the debt ratio is too high .
- 政府要求的一级权益资本率目前仍是个未知数。
- Its desired equity tier-one ratio remains unknown .