- 一名65岁少症状妇女的大血管转位和内脏转位的纠正。
- Corrected transposition of the great vessels and situs inversus viscerum in a 65-year-old oligosymptomatic woman .
- 结论采用下斜肌前转位术治疗先天性上斜肌麻痹安全有效。
- Conclusion anterior transposition of inferior oblique is safe and effective in treating congenital superior oblique palsy .
- 这个项目不是一个整体质量,但转城市模型贝鲁特到垂直计划。
- This project is not a monolithic mass , but the transposition of the urban model of beirut into a vertical scheme .
- 加勒比海岸英语的国家有三个主要的商业区。
- The english-speaking caribbean apart , it has three broad trade blocks .
- 卡尔梅克蒙古人最为成功的商业领域是建筑业和小买卖。
- The most successful kalmyk mongolian businesses are the house building trade and small businesses .
- 一种办法是通过交易。
- One way is through trade .
- 你支持他得到减刑吗?
- Do you support his commutation ?
- 换向失败是直流高压输电过程中常见的故障。
- Commutation failure isthe common faults for the hvdc .
- 论我国减刑、假释制度的立法完善。
- On perfection of legislation of commutation system and parole system .