- 公司、投资基金和其他土地稀少的国家看到了非洲大陆的巨大潜力,5亿公顷的可耕地只用了不到四分之一。
- Corporations , investment funds and other nations with little land see vast potential in a continent which uses less than a quarter of its 500 million hectares of arable land .
- 过去,香港的一些开发商采用非法手段,如砍伐树木,设置垃圾填埋场和开挖土地以使土地降级,以便在他们后来岁递交的开发应用中,声称该地区很少或根本没有保护价值。
- In the past , hong kong developers have used illegal tactics such as tree-felling , landfill and land excavation to degrade land , later lodging development applications that claim the area had little or no conservation value .
- 食物大幅增长会比过去更难达成,因为可以用来生产的未开垦土地已经少得可怜,水资源也不再充足,在一些地方施更多的肥也没有好收成。
- Big increases will be harder to achieve than in the past because there is little unfarmed land to bring into production , no more water and , in some places , little to be gained by heaping on more fertiliser .