- 这是因为它需要极少的消化作用,会很快地被机体所处理。
- This is because it requires very little digestion and is processed by the body very quickly .
- 在这一小会的白日梦当中,不少时光已毫无目的地流逝了。
- During this little reverie , quite some time has elapsed with very little purpose .
- 那个空间只有那么一点空气,但也没有少到让我们可能窒息,免得产生一个故事。
- There is very little air in that space . But not so little that we might suffocate and thus create a story .
- 这种蜥蜴能长到15英寸长。
- The lizards grow up to 15 inches long .
- 一只手表的屏幕只有一至二平方英寸,能显示的信息非常有限。
- The amount of information that one can get from a watch screen that is one to two square inches is pretty limited .
- 四分之一的旅客为此愿意放弃整整六英寸(约合15厘米)的腿部空间。
- A quarter of passengers would give up a full six inches of legroom in exchange for the best wi-fi service possible .
- 那就是你最理想的字体大小了。
- That 's your optimal font size .
- 需要注意的是吊灯的大小要适中。
- Make sure it 's size appropriate .
- 家庭规模也可能再次扩大。
- Family size could also rise again .