- 对妇女而言,好的工作机会实在太少了。
- Good business opportunities for women are few and far between .
- 尽管这位城这位最著名的儿子享有着国际主义者的称号,目前居住在此的外国人却很稀少。
- The internationalist pretensions of hagi 's most famous son notwithstanding the foreigners living there these days are few and far between .
- 在内华达旷野中很少小镇。
- Towns in the nevada wilderness are few and far between .
- 有关有价证券投资是否影响经济增长的证据比有关外国直接投资的证据更加稀少。
- The evidence on whether portfolio investment affects growth is even more sparse than the evidence on fdi .
- 首先,专家很稀少,访问他们是在浪费他们的时间。
- First , the supply of experts is sparse , and interviewing them is time-consuming .
- 车流是如此稀少,于是常常是偶尔路过的商品车运输车上的汽车比路上跑的还要多。
- So sparse is traffic that it often seems more cars are being transported on occasional lorries than are on the road itself .