- 为什么私有企业这么少?
- Why so few private firms ?
- 但似乎很少有人在意。
- But few seem to care .
- 格陵兰人很少读大学。
- Few greenlanders graduate from college .
- 孤鹤疏梅老。
- Solitary crane scanty mei old .
- 细心男子勉强被罕见的包裹吓了一下.
- The detailed man is barely scared by the scanty parcel .
- 如此微弱的优势意味着工党将在下一届议会中成为多数党。
- Such a scanty margin could mean labour emerging as the biggest party in the next parliament .
- 安全住房本就稀有。
- Secure housing is already scarce .
- 出租车就像在多数日子中下午5点出现的幸运赌客一样稀少。
- Taxis are as scarce as lucky gamblers come 5pm on most days .
- 另外一个经常被人提起的例子是非洲之角游牧民族对稀有牧场的激烈争抢。
- Another commonly cited example is violent competition for scarce grazing between nomadic herdsmen in the horn of africa .
- 遵循的道路到山顶(峡谷nek)陡峭,曲折上升。
- The road follows a steep and winding ascent to the top of the hill ( kloof nek ) .