- 另一方面,那些完全抄袭别人的网站的行为等同于无耻的盗窃aremoreshameless。
- Some copycat sites , on the other hand , are more shameless in their theft .
- 当局无耻地自我推销,在地区乱竖广告牌庆祝每盎司的投资。
- And the authorities are shameless self-promoters , littering the region with billboards celebrating every ounce of investment .
- 这些伎俩中最厚颜无耻的莫过于在布朗还没正式上任的时候,便强制通过最终提案布朗应会在两周内就任。
- The most shameless such trick would be to ram through a final bill before mr brown is officially seated in the senate , which should happen within two weeks .