- 加里哈默尔说:“没有几个在世的mba毕业生不是研读了科特勒百科全书式的教科书并从中大受裨益的,我想不出其他还有哪本书能比它更有见解,更能给一般公司带来更多的实际利益。”
- Gary hamel said of it : " there are few mba graduates alive who have not ploughed through kotler 's encyclopaedic textbook and have not benefited enormously from doing so ...... I can think of few other books ...... whose insights would be of more practical benefit to the average company . "
- 在那里,所看到的男人们戴着令人讨厌的烟囱似的高顶礼帽,但是极少有不戴帽子的;男士们穿着非常糟糕的燕尾服,但是极少有不穿外套的。
- Men are seen there with the dreadful chimney-pot hat , but there are very few hatless men ; men wear the shocking swallowtail coat , but few are to be seen with no coat at all .
- 目前,国外已有少数量产型电磁阀,多数成果尚处理论发展阶段,国内尚是一全新的应用领域,只有极少数学者进行这一方面研究。
- At the present , there are few foreign producers of solenoid valves who work merely on the theory research ; however , it is still a strange field in the domestic and there are only few researchers working on the studies of solenoid valves .