- 马克坐在他的床上看杰生解开睡袋。
- Mark sat on his bed to watch jason unroll the sleeping bag .
- 他的研究队伍对这一理论进行了考查,他们在整个周未期间对16人进行追踪调查,要求他们比平常周末之夜更晚一点上床,但要多睡两小时。
- His research team tested the theory by tracking 16 people over a weekend , asking them to go to bed a little later than they would on a weeknight but sleeping-in an extra two hours .
- 有些活动和状况会让疼痛加剧:坐着,弯腰,压力过大,早上躺在床上,趴着睡,一段时间内工作效率低下,或者说来也奇怪整天呆在家里。
- Some activities and situations made my pain worse : sitting , hunching over , stress , laying in bed in the morning , sleeping on my stomach , a period of unproductivity at work , or-strangely enough-spending a day at home .