- 玛利亚姆之前住在楼下前面的卧室。
- Mariam lived in the downstairs front bedroom .
- 避免在卧室之外解决问题。
- Save problem-solving for outside the bedroom .
- 按照brown的供词,在开枪之后,他就把枪放回到自己的寝室中。
- After the shooting , brown allegedly put the shotgun back in his bedroom .
- 一座宿舍倒塌导致一名上海男子死亡,另有报告说七人严重受伤。
- A collapsed dormitory killed a shanghai man , while seven serious injuries were also reported .
- 最后我决定无论做点什么都比自己呆在寝室里要好。
- Finally I decided anything would be better than sitting alone in my dormitory room .
- 在一项研究中,12对双胞胎在大学寝室中的生活受到了24小时的监控。
- In one study , 12 sets of the twins were put under 24-hour supervision in a college dormitory .
- 要想进入生产流水线,必须穿过一个高科技的净化室。
- To get to the production line you pass through a high tech decontamination chamber .
- 这些障碍阻挡了以前对改造下议院的试图。
- Such obstacles have scuppered previous attempts to revamp the second chamber .
- 而davidcameron正在以更快的速度让上议院变的拥挤。
- David cameron has packed the chamber at an even faster rate .