- 如果你的皮肤继续在寒冷天气中脱落,那么你要做的就是涂一些便宜的乳霜让皮肤重生。
- As your skin continues to flake in this cold snap all you need is a cheap tub of moisturiser to make it glow again .
- 一种可能性是2006年确实比其他年份更为寒冷;另一种可能性是全球变暖造成了上空的寒冷。
- One possibility is that 2006 was simply colder than other years . Another possibility is that global warming could be contributing to the cold snap .
- 在澳大利亚内陆寒流破纪录时,燃煤蒸汽发电厂所发出的蒸汽被曙光所照亮,在气温达到为-9度的地区造成了普遍和破坏性的霜冻。
- Steam from a coal fired power station is highlighted by dawn light during a record breaking cold snap in the australian inland , temperatures of - 9c very low for the region created widespread and damaging frosts .