- 尼克万奥茨胡恩的《宿醉手册》体贴地提供了催吐的方法:加芥末粉的水。
- Nic van oudtshoorn 's " the hangover handbook " thoughtfully provides a recipe for an emetic : mix mustard powder with water .
- 因为甲醇会分解成高毒素的甲酸,在这第二个阶段宿醉是最严重的。
- Because methanol breaks down into formic acid , which is highly toxic , it is during this second stage that the hangover is most crushing .
- 你可能会说,他们既然享受了派对的好时光,该受宿醉之扰。
- You might say that having enjoyed the party they are due the hangover .
- 但这一次,它不仅仅是一种严重的后遗症。
- But this time it is more than a bad hangover .
- 烤面包的酸酵母治宿醉?
- Marmite on toast for a hangover ?
- 你有过宿醉的时候吗?
- Do you have an epic hangover ?