- 来宾参观的是宽敞的房间,里面有木搁架和风景画。
- Visitors are shown spacious rooms with wood panels and landscape paintings .
- noma家庭是这整个系列中最宽敞最大的部分。
- Family noma is spacious and largest of all the series .
- 周末下午,身着各式各样长袍的妇女们漫步在宽阔的广场和地下通道沐浴着阳光,聊着家常里短。
- In the sun of a weekday afternoon , women in multicoloured kaftans gossip in the spacious squares and underpasses .
- 在宽敞的环境中,这种植物每周会大量吸收液态肥料和钾来维持生命力。
- It guzzles liquid fertiliser and potassium each week to keep up its strength while bedded in roomy surroundings .
- 屏幕明亮清晰而耐用,键盘宽大匀整而牢固,上面的空格键、删除键、跳格键、返回键、上档键和方向键都很大。
- The bright , vivid screen is sturdy , and the roomy , well-spaced keyboard is firm , with a large space bar , delete key , tab , backspace , shift and arrow keys .
- 2005年,艾力克.莱普顿告诉警方他的双手被人偷去,但经过3个月的调查后发现,他的双手只是隐藏在一对宽大的袖子里。
- In 2005 , eric clapton told officials that his hands had been stolen , though a three-month investigation later revealed that they were only hidden inside a pair of roomy sleeves .
- 他们给她两万里拉的工钱,带她看一个给她住的非常宽敞的房间。
- They offered her twenty thousand lire in wages and showed her a very commodious room where she would live .
- 无意中找到了一只蝉蜕,它壳内宽敞又安全的空间让我十分满意。
- Accidentally , I came across a cicada slough . I was really content with its commodious and safe place .
- 装修别具一格、宽敞明亮,为办公和工作营造一个舒适的良好氛围。
- The fitment is nothing if not unusual , the office is commodious and light , construct with work to a comfortable good atmosphere .