- 国内的抱怨声音最为激烈。
- Complaints are loudest at home .
- 你不能打造一个数字家庭。
- You cannot build a digital home .
- 在家教育并不仅是白人和基督徒专有的。
- Home schooling is not exclusively white and christian .
- 能等到他讲完宅地法那章再走吗?
- Could we just wait until he 's done with the homestead act chapter ?
- 根据宅地法,定居或耕种土地。
- To settle and farm land , especially under the homestead act .
- 厚厚的云层低低地悬在中西部残破的宅地上空,预示可能发生龙卷风。
- Heavy clouds hang low over a dilapidated homestead in the midwest , foretelling a possible tornado .
- 对那些渴望来共同创造和谐社区或家园的人们而言,那么融入全一之语就将会提供一个和谐梦想的根基来展现这样一个生命选择。
- For those desiring to co-create harmonious communities or homesteads , then embracing the language of one will provide the foundation for a harmonious dream to unfold in such a life choice .
- 在新英格兰有许夺号老的家宅。
- There are many old homesteads in england .
- 他们穿过一座座小村庄和一座座拔地而起的房屋,穿过废弃的苹果园,来到了树林和灌木丛掩映的老农场。
- They went past small villages and burgeoning housing developments , past abandoned apple orchards , back to where trees and brush have devoured old homesteads .