- 国内的抱怨声音最为激烈。
- Complaints are loudest at home .
- 你不能打造一个数字家庭。
- You cannot build a digital home .
- 在家教育并不仅是白人和基督徒专有的。
- Home schooling is not exclusively white and christian .
- 你的身份系于永恒,你的家乡是天堂。
- Your identity is in eternity , and your homeland is heaven .
- 国家没有足够的资金流动来满足他们在肯尼亚西部的家乡的生活。
- Not enough money has flowed to their homeland in western kenya to satisfy them .
- 2006年8月,奥巴马到了自己生父的家乡-非洲。
- In august 2006 , obama went to his father 's homeland in africa .
- 能等到他讲完宅地法那章再走吗?
- Could we just wait until he 's done with the homestead act chapter ?
- 根据宅地法,定居或耕种土地。
- To settle and farm land , especially under the homestead act .
- 厚厚的云层低低地悬在中西部残破的宅地上空,预示可能发生龙卷风。
- Heavy clouds hang low over a dilapidated homestead in the midwest , foretelling a possible tornado .