- 所以科学家们已经想出了其他理论来解释这一行为,这就是已知的“阉人现象”。
- So scientists had come up with other theories to explain the behaviour , known as the " eunuch phenomenon " .
- 在法国人战胜那些没用的驻军、太监前,是否可能就已经被搞走了?
- Could they even have been taken before the french overpowered its weedy garrison of eunuch guards ?
- 尽管如此,古代的佛教僧侣游历印度取经,而郑和这位15世纪的宦官,率领永乐皇帝的舰队最远驶到了非洲,以“视诸夷域。”
- Nevertheless ancient buddhist monks visited india and zheng he a fifteenth-century eunuch famously sailed the emperor 's fleet as far as africa to " set eyes on barbarian regions . "