- 希望最后能呈上纸米卷和卤水牛肉,再用菠萝船装饰。
- Expect to serve up rice-paper rolls and marinated beef , decorated with a pineapple boat .
- 一日见伯虎取一大盆,倒满墨汁,铺好宣纸,宽衣解带,将屁股浸入其中,再往宣纸上一坐,只见栩栩如生的蝴蝶赫然纸上。
- Tiger of one uncle of with each passing day takes a big , pour full prepared chinese ink , spread good rice paper , ungird of take off your coat , buttock immerge among them , sit toward rice paper again , see lifelike butterfly only awesomely on paper .
- 每次她推开纸门,就有一些新的奇迹呈在你面前:绿绿的草茶、自腌的泡菜、甜点、蜜饯、麒麟啤酒,接下来是配有各种精美小菜的怀石料理,每一样都摆放得像艺术品,盛在陶瓷或漆器里。
- Each time she slides open the rice-paper door it is to set some new miracle before you : grassy green tea , homemade pickles , sweet biscuits , sugared preserves , kirin beer and , later , a kaiseki meal with dozens of tiny delicacies , each laid out like artwork on ceramic or lacquerware .