- 实践你自己宣扬的原则。
- Practice the principles you preach .
- 正如许多伦理学家所鼓吹的一样,延迟性行为本身在不断完善。
- It could be , as many moralists preach , that the delay itself is improving .
- 许多人宣扬资本主义邪恶,但是他们都身负抵押贷款。
- Many of those who preach against the ills of capitalism have mortgages .
- 会不会有这样的贸易实体,他们会愿意宣传你已有的资源和你已取得的成就给更广大的群体,并且你能够联系上他们呢?
- Are there trade bodies that you can get in touch with that might be willing to publicize the resources that you 've got and the work that you 've done to a wider audience ?
- 可以推测,这些证券如此之差,以至于不能公布他们的信用评级。
- Presumably these securities were so bad that they wouldn 't even publicize their credit rating .
- 他的反腐败一揽子计划到达国家杜马的时候已经被修改的不成样子了,而他的公布国家最高官员收入的计划也被打败了。
- His anti-corruption package reached the duma in severely truncated form , and his plan to publicize the incomes of top russian officials was defeated .
- 实际上,排名最靠前的5家旅游网站都在它上面做广告。
- Indeed , the top five travel sites advertise with cheapflights .
- 大多数要交注册费,但是之后你全年都可以为自己的房子打广告了。
- Most require a registration fee , but then you can advertise your property for the entire year .
- 非死不可增加收益最明显的方法就是不断尝试新方法在网络上打广告。
- The obvious way for facebook to boost revenue is to keep inventing clever ways to advertise on its network .