- 本研究应用制造生产管理及客户关系管理方法,将企业日常收集的客诉资料及制程发生异常等资料汇整成探勘资料。
- This study applies both manufacturing production management and costumer relationship management to sort the data of customer complaints and the abnormalities in production process for data mining .
- 登记和汇总顾客投诉的信息。
- Enregister and collect customer complaints .
- 我们不会随随便便对待顾客的投诉.
- We won 't treat customer complaints with offhand manner .
- 美国在2007年4月就进行投诉。
- America made this complaint in april 2007 .
- 他们最多的抱怨是运输问题。
- Their biggest complaint concerns transport .
- 所以毫不奇怪,2007年美国向wto提起了投诉。
- Sure enough , the us lodged a complaint with the wto in 2007 .