- 照例寒暄了一阵,这是黑斯汀泗突然看见我,径直走过来,热诚地伸出手,正要握手时,蓦地盯住了,很难堪地说:“请原谅,先生,我原想我认识你的。”
- The moment the usual civilities were over , hastings caught sight of me , and came straight with cordially outstretched hand ; then stopped short when about to shake , and said , with an embarrassed look : " I beg your pardon , sir , I thought I know you . "
- 他非常反感这个只会说场面话的男人。
- He loathes this man , who only speaks civilities .
- 但是既然你已经撕破脸皮。
- But since you already dispensed with the civilities .