- 真正的客户服务不应该是这样。
- That 's not good customer service .
- 他们对顾客服务是持续稳定的。
- They are relentless about customer service .
- 他们给客户提供一流的服务吗?
- Do they deliver first-class customer service ?
- 我们是您今晚的客人。
- We are your guest tonight .
- 而且来宾名单很快就超出了那里的接待能力。
- And the guest list had quickly exceeded the location 's capacity .
- 商务和私人派对的交叉,为来宾制造了难题。
- The crossover of business and private parties creates problems for the guest .
- 火车上一位来自塔吉克斯坦的旅客。
- A passenger on a train arriving from tajikistan .
- 华盛顿的支持让航空公司拓展到货物和旅客的服务。
- Washington 's backing allowed the airlines to expand into cargo and passenger service .
- 就旅客运输方面,多莫杰多沃机场是目前俄罗斯最大的机场。
- Domodedovo airport is russia 's largest airport in terms of passenger traffic .
- 有时候简单的一条提示或解释就能避免错误和访客受挫。
- Sometimes a simple tip or explanation can prevent error and visitor frustration .
- 三月的一天,斯皮策博士接待了一位访客。
- And one day in march , dr. spitzer entertained a visitor .
- 就连外国游客都能感觉到很多人不信任政府。
- Even a foreign visitor senses many people don 't trust the government .
- 没错,就是给了我们生命中第一份真爱的母亲写下了这恋爱地图的浓重一笔。
- Yes , our mothers -- the first real love of our lives -- write a significant portion of our love map .
- 事实上,这部分最近已经被取消。
- In fact , that portion was recently removed .
- 威廉森先生这些开支中的一小部分表示反对。
- Mr. williamson objected to a small portion of the expenses .
- 正如极客老爹会愉快地告诉你那样,虽然自己连接得太多,他知道有很多人比自己还要惨得多。
- As the geek dad will gladly tell you , he knows a bunch of people who are way worse than he is about being too connected .
- 但不是每一个极客(或对新奇科技产品感兴趣的普通人)都是有大把可支配收入的时尚先锋。
- But not every geek ( or regular person with an interest in cool tech gadgets ) is a high-net-worth early adopter with plenty of disposable income to spend .
- 他一生下来就是一个和他叔叔住在一起的科学怪人。
- He started life as a white science geek living with his uncle .
- 为每一位客户提供文化服务。
- Cultural service to every client .
- 谁会是你的理想客户?
- Who is your dream client ?
- 邮件,设为浏览器默认的邮件客户端。
- Mail as your browser 's default email client .