- 吠檀多:到三昧的七个步骤。
- Vedanta : seven steps to samadhi .
- 一,三昧辛格巴加特的萨达尔,叔叔辛格增加了它的重要性。
- A samadhi of sardar ajit singh , uncle of bhagat singh , adds to its importance .
- 在修炼无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。
- After practicing supreme yoga , the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters samadhi .
- 但是山姆本人富有创造性和顽强精神。
- But sam was creative and tenacious .
- 这也是让山姆创建出电器城的方法。
- It was also central to how sam built circuit city .
- 当然,山姆已不再是一只小狗了。
- Of course , sam was hardly a pup .
- 用镇静沉着对付对付压力。
- Handles pressure with self composure .
- 沉着和果断会为他们赢得成功。
- Composure and determination will help them achieve success .
- 许久以后,carr熟知了每一个队员面对的来自专心,信心或沉着的挑战。
- After that much time , carr was intimately acquainted with the concentration , confidence or composure challenges each diver faced .