- 沙特社会依据宗族、教派和区域划分,进而又分裂为宗教保守派和自由派。
- Saudi society remains divided by clan , sect and region , and split between religious conservatives and relative liberals .
- 外界普遍认为,这反映出人们选择的是能力而非社会等级,是政教分离主义而非宗派主义。
- It is widely believed that this reflects a choice of competence over caste and secularism over sect .
- 这个根据地区、宗派、种族的不同而划分的国家一直都在不断进步。
- The country , divided by region , sect and ethnicity , has always been a work in progress .
- 参加美国芭蕾舞学院的考试。
- For the school of american ballet .
- 该校在地震前有329名学生。
- The school had 329 students before the earthquake .
- 一些女性高管在孩子的校门口进行远程电话会议。
- Some female executives routinely take calls while outside the school gates .
- 达尔文的祖父erasmus相信生命进化于同一祖先。
- Darwin 's grandfather erasmus believed life evolved from a single ancestor .
- 很多科学家认为地球上的一切生命都拥有相同的祖先。
- According to most scientists , all life on earth has a common ancestor .
- 许多穆斯林对于人类和猿类有同样的祖先这一概念感到很困扰。
- Many muslims are troubled by the notion that humans share a common ancestor with apes .
- 韩国总理郑云灿(chungun-chan)的辞职与另一项房地产项目的争议有关。
- The resignation of prime minister chung un-chan is tied to another real-estate controversy .
- 拟于东涌、屯门及西九龙填海区兴建1171个宿舍单位的建议初步已获采纳,现已踏入筹划阶段。
- Proposals to build 1171 quarters in tung chung , tuen mun and west kowloon reclamation are at the planning stage .
- chan的一位同行henrychung表示,四分之三的大陆客户不出租自己的房子,以避免与租户打交道时发生口角。
- Henry chung , one of mr chan 's competitors , says three out of four mainland clients do not lease their properties to avoid the hassle of dealing with tenants .
- 足球对于意大利人来说不是宗教信仰,而是歌剧。
- Soccer is not religion in italy . It is opera .
- 西班牙没有官方的宗教派别。
- Spain has no official religion .
- 宗教也面临同样的问题。
- Religion faces the same problem .