- 但那些组织活动想要使安乐死合法化的人却说从俄勒冈州的数据来看却表现了相反的情况。
- But those who are campaigning to legalize euthanasia say that figures such as those from oregon show the opposite .
- 他经受着难以忍受的疼痛并且长期卧床,但却因为安乐死是不合法的他被拒绝了。
- He was suffering agonizing pain and was bed-ridden , but was refused euthanasia because it was illegal .
- 即使在瑞典这样一个开化的国家,大部分的医生告诉调查者他们反对安乐死。
- Even in such secular , permissive countries as sweden , doctors tell surveys they oppose euthanasia by large margins .