- 欧佩克增加的产量使石油库存满满当当,从而抑制了油价上涨,另外在经济前景不明朗之际,欧佩克不希望被人们视为向本已看涨的油市中注入更多利多因素。
- The added opec output has acted as a brake against even higher oil prices by keeping inventory brimming , and opec doesn 't want to be seen injecting bullishness into an already buoyant oil market at a time of economic uncertainty .
- 工作机会缺乏的情况可能会持续一段时间,让家庭对支出仍然持谨慎态度。
- Jobs are likely to remain scarce for some time , keeping households cautious about spending .
- 据cbi称,卡尔马迪及其团队被控收受回扣后歪曲招投标标准,从而帮助一家名为swisstimingltd.的瑞士公司获得计时器材合同,并借此标准淘汰了其他合格的投标者。
- Mr. kalmadi and his team allegedly received kickbacks for twisting bidding criteria in a way that eliminated other eligible bidders and awarded the contract for time-keeping equipment to a switzerland-based company called swiss timing ltd. , according to the cbi .