- 之前许多州法庭和联邦法庭的判例不但禁止在公立学校中讲授创世说和智慧设计论,还不允许教师违反学区课程规定讲述任何反对进化论的观点。
- Many state and federal court cases have not only prohibited the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public-school classrooms , but have also restrained teachers from introducing arguments against evolution in contravention of a school district 's curriculum .
- 横笛校区(fifeschooldistrict)的副主任杰夫肖特(jeffshort)谈到,学校曾开展过在校车上出现紧急情况时该如何处理的相关训练,包括怎样紧急停车。
- Jeff short , assistant superintendant for the fife school district , said the students had been trained in emergency situations on the school bus , including how to shut down the bus in an emergency .
- 位于美国费城郊区的劳尔梅里恩学区去年向1800名高中学生每人发放了一台苹果笔记本电脑。
- The lower merion school district in suburban philadelphia last year issued an apple laptop to each of its 1800 high-school students .