- 例如,2001年世界银行研究员在timor-leste勤奋记下一家子是淋浴还是在河里洗澡,是用抽水马桶还是普通水桶,他们的房子是用砖石还是藤条造成等等。
- In 2001 , for example , bank researchers in timor-leste diligently recorded whether a household bathed under a shower or in the river ; used a flush toilet or a bucket ; built their home from brick or rattan , and so forth .
- 你不用担心在这里找到的各种各样的信息,因为,这个网站都是由一群勤奋的专家团撰写和审核的。
- Don 't be too concerned about the validity of the information found here , however , as the site is diligently edited and moderated by a team of experts .
- 雅虎说,“鉴于该交易的复杂性,还有一些细节没有最终敲定,双方正勤勉协作以达成协议,目前为止,已取得良好的进展,双方同意尽可能快的执行协议。”
- " Given the complex nature of the transaction , there remain some details to be finalised , " yahoo said . " The parties are working diligently on finalising the agreements , have made good progress to date , and have agreed to execute the agreements as expeditiously as possible . "