- 不过,存款利率却已经开始上升。
- But deposit rates are already rising .
- 银行利率依然是政策的俘虏,被用来监管储蓄利率。
- Bank interest rates remain captive to the policy of regulated deposit rates .
- 它们还保持了高资本充足率,吸收了大量的储蓄。
- They have also maintained adequate capital ratios and ample deposit funding .
- 亚马逊在2007年推出数字音乐商店。
- Amazon launched its digital-music store in 2007 .
- 简从来没有来过任何一家土星汽车店。
- Jane had never been in a saturn store .
- 在你家附近找一家清洁工用品店。
- Find a janitor supply store in your area .
- 是的,只要我们保持创新。
- Yes , as long as we keep innovating .
- 那些年,卡兰尼克不拿分文工资,一心只想维持企业。
- Kalanick spent those years not paying himself , desperate to keep the business afloat .
- 日本一直在尽量维持自己的全球第三大经济体地位。
- Japan has struggled to keep its standing as the world 's third-largest economy .
- 计划生育政策也有例外。
- Exceptions to the policy exist .
- 每件事都有捷径可言吗?
- Do shortcuts exist to everything ?
- 这样的机构确实存在。
- Such a body does exist .
- 这样怎么能节省时间呢?
- How do they save time ?
- 所节约的电力将会增加2.5兆瓦特。
- That will save another 2.5 megawatts .
- 乳腺癌筛查确实能拯救生命。
- Breast screening does save lives .
- 短期储存是个不错的办法。
- Temporary storage is a good start .
- 然而储存式公司却因此获利。
- Yet storage firms make stonking profits .
- 混沌式储存的优势在哪?
- What are the requirements for chaotic storage ?