- 他把他用到的自己发明的语言做成一个词汇表附在他小说的后面。
- He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language .
- 与纤维玻璃有关的条款术语。
- Glossary of terms relating to textile glass .
- 自动导向运载工具系统的相关术语汇编。
- Glossary of terms relating to automatic guided vehicle systems .
- 结果是一个新的名词进入了犯罪学词典:即csi效应,它以犯罪现场命名。
- The upshot of this is that a new phrase has entered the criminological lexicon : the " csi effect " after shows such as " csi : crime scene investigation " .
- 这两个人设计了一个分类系统用于分析一段文章的语法结构,然后通过查阅一个有57000个单词的人工编辑的“情绪词汇词典”给文中的字眼打上情绪标签。
- The pair have developed a classification system that analyses the grammatical structure of a piece of text and assigns emotional labels to the words it contains , by looking them up in a 57000-word " sentiment lexicon " compiled by people .
- 而卡加梅先生致力于形成国家团结及意志的观念,试着废除存在于图西族(他也属于这族)和胡图族之间的种族分裂,比如用立法的方式而非词典来确定他们的名字。
- In an effort to foster a sense of national unity and purpose , mr kagame has tried to abolish ethnic division between the tutsi minority ( to which he belongs ) and the hutu majority , whose members committed the genocide , by legislating their names out of the lexicon .
- 字书让学古汉语的学生更生动的理解古文中某些字的含义。
- The wordbook helps students of ancient chinese vividly understand the meaning of ancient chinese words .
- 他把他用到的自己发明的语言做成一个词汇表附在他小说的后面。
- He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language .
- 与纤维玻璃有关的条款术语。
- Glossary of terms relating to textile glass .
- 自动导向运载工具系统的相关术语汇编。
- Glossary of terms relating to automatic guided vehicle systems .
- 他的话听起来又冷又残酷。
- His words sounded cool and cruel .
- 行动总比言辞更为有力。
- And actions speak louder than words .
- 那些词可以表达它?
- What words will express it ?