- 如果一名孕妇在怀孕以前已经患过水痘,小孩子在出生的前几个月不会被感染,因为母亲的免疫力已从胎盘和母乳传给了婴儿。
- If a pregnant woman has had chickenpox before the pregnancy , the baby will be protected from infection for the first few months of life , since the mother 's immunity gets passed on to the baby through the placenta and breast milk .
- 任何参与者只要认为可能怀孕了的都被要求回来做尿妊娠试验。
- Any participant who thought they might be pregnant was asked to come in for a urine pregnancy test .
- 直到怀孕的第8周,人类胚胎的大脑都看起来像女性的。
- Until the eighth week of gestation every human fetal brain looks female .
- 食用鱼肝油的那组妇女拥有较低的早产率,尤其是怀孕34周以前的早产。
- Women in the fish-oil group had lower rates of pre-term births , particularly births earlier than 34 weeks of gestation .
- 在怀孕的最后3个月,胎儿的耳朵已经发育成熟到可以听到一些声音,包括它妈妈的声音。
- In the last 3 months of gestation , a fetus 's ears have developed enough to pick up sounds , including its mother 's voice .
- 游泳时在妊娠后期最好的锻炼方式之一。
- Exercise in later states in pregnancy .
- 你的身体准备好怀孕了吗?
- Is your body ready for pregnancy ?
- 那是否有其它对孕期和鱼的指导原则吗?
- Are there other guidelines for pregnancy and fish ?