- 本文对船舶优先权和民用航空器优先权的相似性和差异性进行探讨,分析其背后的原因,为认识交通运输工具优先权制度的设计和运用提供参考。
- The article described the differences and similarities of maritime liens and civil aircraft liens , analyze the underlying reasons , and provied the guidance of design and use of of transport lien system .
- 本文从社会语言学的角度出发,分析近年来越南出现的一些校园流行语,归纳、总结越南校园流行语的构成特点,并分析其生成理据及对标准语的影响。
- The article is a study of some of the campus catchwords which have appeared in recent years in vietnam from the perspective of sociolinguistics , trying to summarize their features in formation and to analyze their underlying reasons and influences on standard vietnamese .
- 本文对船舶优先权和民用航空器优先权的相似性和差异性进行探讨,分析其背后的原因,为认识交通运输工具优先权制度的设计和运用提供参考。
- The article described the differences and similarities of maritime liens and civil aircraft liens , analyze the underlying reasons , and provied the guidance of design and use of of transport lien system .