- 前面椅子里有两个小胡子,交头接耳地谈的很入神。刘玉英望过去,认识那月牙须的男子就是冯眉卿的父亲云卿。
- On a bench opposite liu yu-ying two men , one with a drooping moustache and the other with a toothbrush moustache , were conversing in conspiratorial whispers . She recognized the first as feng mei-ching 's father , feng yun-ching .
- 赵伯韬转过脸来,又冷冷地问道:“他们还说什么呢?”
- Chao po-tao turned to liu yu-ying again and asked icily , " what else were they talking about ? "
- 刘玉英点头,抿着嘴笑。
- Liu yu-ying nodded and smiled understandingly .