- 问题在贪婪的美国公司身上。
- Greedy us corporations are the criminals .
- 让他们为贪婪而不与我们对立。
- And make them too greedy to oppose us .
- 最简单的答案是:富人太过贪婪。
- The simplest answer is that the rich got too greedy .
- 神秘、多疑、贪婪、冷酷,亨利七世这个人物长期不是跳过或就是被忽略。
- Mysterious , suspicious , avaricious , cold , the figure of henry vii has long been skipped over or ignored .
- 范文荣(phamvanvinh)在河内当出租车司机已有20年,在此期间,他学会了如何对付越南首都混乱的街道以及贪得无厌的交警。
- In his 20 years as a hanoi taxi driver , pham van vinh has learnt to negotiate the chaotic streets of vietnam 's capital and the demands of its avaricious traffic police .
- 此外,我们还能免于这样的遭遇,即那些醉心权欲、贪得无厌的恶棍通过他们私有的媒体发号施令,强迫公众相信也就是他们自己的自私自利的观点和他们支持的体系。
- Among other things , we would be free of thesituation in which a bunch of power-crazed , avaricious bullies dictate throughtheir privately owned media outlets what the public should believe-which is tosay , their own self-interested opinions and the system they support .
- 世界经济充满了违法和草率的行为,众多避税天堂和不受监管的地区迎合了全球流动资本的贪欲。
- The world economy is rife with lawlessness and recklessness , with tax havens and regulation-free zones catering to the avarice of globally mobile capital .
- 比如说,有可能象征现代的贪婪,尴尬,乏味,沮丧,嫉妒和爱等。
- Avarice , embarrassment , boredom , depression , jealousy and love , for example , might epitomise the modern age .
- 然而,基本的共识似乎牢不可破、确凿无疑,即如果我们加强监管、遏制骇人的贪婪以及改善联储的政策,那么就能一劳永逸地阻止此类事情再次发生。
- Still , the basic consensus seems well established and highly reassuring . It suggests that if we toughen regulation , suppress outrageous avarice , and improve the fed 's policies , we can prevent anything like this from ever occurring again .