- 你可能会感觉到象奥巴马总统这样娴熟的自由主义政客,正努力寻找讨论金融危机和不平等的方式。
- You can feel an adept liberal politician like president obama struggling to find a way to talk about the financial crisis and inequality .
- 通过对愤怒的农民或是那些城市中下层的人使用一种混合了恐吓和贿赂的方式,已经能很熟练的孤立和遏制反对的声音。
- It has been adept at isolating and containing protests by angry farmers or the urban underclass , using a mixture of intimidation and pay-offs .
- 恩,网络一代的回答是这样的,但这些在网络上的游荡证明我们计算机操作娴熟且能熟练使用各种在线协作工具进行多任务处理,是天生的团队合作者。
- Ah , reply the net geners , but all that messing around online proves that we are computer-literate multitaskers who are adept users of online collaborative tools , and natural team players .
- 雇主们最担心熟练工人短缺。
- Employers worry most about skilled workers .
- 与此同时,南非企业却极其缺乏熟练劳动力。
- Meanwhile businesses were starved of skilled labour .
- 如果招集与训练一群更懂得如何赢得俘虏们信任的更熟练的质问者,情况会有好转。
- It would have been better off recruiting and training more skilled interrogators who knew how to win the trust of their subjects .
- 如今他们走私精制油给伊朗,逐渐损害了对德黑兰的国际制裁。
- Currently , they have been smuggling refined oil to iran undermining international sanctions against tehran .
- 生鲜和天然的食物通常比烹饪过的、精制的食物更容易被人体吸收。
- Raw and whole foods are usually digested more efficiently than cooked and refined foods .
- 精制的碳水化合物,比如白面包和白面条所含的淀粉比五谷杂粮要多。
- Refined carbohydrates , such as white breads and white pasta , contain more starch than whole grains .
- 小侯在医院输血后,不幸感染了艾滋病毒。
- Xiao Hou was stricken by AIDS when he had blood transfusion in the hospital .
- 在3年的诉讼战后,肖辉本周五被引渡至澳大利亚。
- After a three-year legal battle , Mr Xiao was extradited to Australia on Friday .
- 麦德森先生:哦,啸,这是不是意味着某种暗示呢?。
- Mr.Madsen : Oh.Is that supposed to be some sort of a hint , Xiao ?