- 改变对失败的看法。
- Change your attitude about failure .
- 但这种看法遭到了质疑。
- But that attitude is being questioned .
- 永远要保持积极的态度。
- Always express a positive attitude .
- 我当然得摆个姿势拍照留念。
- I pose for photographs , naturally .
- 这样造成了两难的境地。
- This can pose a dilemma .
- 她摆出一个姿势时,每个人都笑了。
- Everybody laughs as she strikes a pose .
- 但奥巴马这一姿态可能会有更广泛的政治影响。
- But the gesture could have broader political ramifications .
- 其次,伯南克不会摆出一副大姿态。
- Second , bernanke avoided the grand gesture .
- 我们打手势是因为它是我们语言的一部分。
- We gesture because it 's part of our lexicon .