- 他长得很帅很迷人,而且很聪明。
- He was handsome charming and bright .
- 但是你会发现他迷人的怪癖。
- But you find those quirks of his charming .
- 我们又走了一段路,他说a太太是一个有魅力的女人。
- We tramp another furlong or so , and he says that mrs. a. is a charming woman .
- 它们真的很柔软很可爱。
- That 's really soft and lovely .
- 她们可爱,因为她们爱生活。
- They are lovely because they love life .
- 我永远不会忘记到美丽的佐治亚州海恩斯维尔的旅途。
- I 'll never forget my last visit to lovely hinesville georgia .
- 最知道毛虫何时准备好破茧而出、何时可以作为优雅的蝴蝶振翅飞翔的那一个,是毛虫自己。
- A caterpillar knows best when he is ready to break out of the cocoon and emerge as the graceful butterfly he was always capable of becoming .
- 想要领略泰宁丹霞的美丽,游客们就需先横穿优美的大金湖。
- To scan the beauty of taining danxia , visitors need to first cross the graceful dajin lake .
- 在光亮的镜子深处,莫尼卡抬起的手臂组成了一道优美的弧形,接着莫尼卡摘掉了草帽。
- Deep in the shine of the polished glass , her hand rose in a graceful arc to remove her straw hat .