- 这将妨碍高水平、可持续的发展。
- This will hinder high-level and sustainable development .
- 类似的错误妨碍了人们保护环境的努力。
- Miscalculations like these hinder conservation efforts .
- 专利到底是有助于创新还是阻碍了创新?
- Do patents help or hinder innovation ?
- 股票价格的下降则会妨碍这一过程。
- Lower stock prices can impede the process .
- 而说明则可能会阻碍交互。
- Instructions might actually impede an interaction .
- 亚洲有欠发展的资本市场,妨碍了国内储蓄的有效利用。
- Underdeveloped capital markets in asia impede the efficient use of domestic savings .
- 这样便可阻止新立法提案通过。
- That will block new legislative initiatives .
- 现代研究发现细胞因子会阻碍老鼠的记忆形成。
- Modern research has found that cytokines block memory formation in mice .
- 他们的思维没有被会阻碍直觉的个人想法所占据。
- Their minds are not filled with personal thoughts that can block intuition .
- 类似的限制阻碍了国外书籍和杂志的销售。
- Similar restrictions hamper the distribution of foreign books and magazines .
- 意料之外的问题有可能妨碍到ipv6的扩张。
- Unexpected problems could hamper the expansion of ipv6 .
- 大陆海关还可能妨碍国际中转运输业务。
- Mainland customs can also hamper international trans-shipment operations .