- 我被认为是难搞的姑娘。
- I 'm considered a difficult girl .
- 玛姬真是一个被保佑着的姑娘。
- Margie was truly a blessed little girl .
- 3月18日,尼泊尔加德满都,一个尼泊尔小女孩在跳绳。
- A nepalese girl skips rope in katmandu , nepal on march 18 .
- 满意的客户包括演员乔治克鲁尼,其发明人将这一奇异的交通工具形容为“小鸡磁铁”。
- Satisfied customers include the actor george clooney , and its inventor describes the bizarre vehicle as a " chick magnet " .
- 小鸡深蓝色的区域就是最终凝固成骨头的部分。
- The dark-blue areas of the chick indicate where the cartilage will ultimately solidify into bone .
- 要求你的男人看小鸡电影就想要弗兰肯斯坦的怪兽看弗兰肯斯坦。
- Asking your man to watch a chick flick is like asking frankenstein 's monster to watch frankenstein .
- 但餐厅确实是格拉汉姆的宝贝。
- But the restaurant was graham 's baby .
- 两只婴儿黑猩猩被感染了。
- Two baby chimpanzees were infected .
- 听说你们将要有小宝贝了。
- I heard you would have a baby .