- 南方人开始建立起这些石冢以装饰花园,可北方人满腹牢骚地说这是对传统文化的辱骂。
- Southerners have taken to erecting these cairns to adorn their gardens . Northerners grumble that this is an abuse of their traditional culture .
- 除此之外,你还可以用羽毛、珠子、漂亮的扣子、不同的布料或者小布花来装饰你的拖鞋。
- Alternatively , adorn them with feathers and beads , pretty buttons , different fabric mixes or fabric flowers .
- 有的建筑物屋顶是呈阶梯状的平顶,每个屋角上都是一个白色的水泥三角形,与用来装饰传统羌族建筑的白色石头相映衬。
- Other buildings are topped with flat roof terraces , a white concrete triangle in each corner , echoing the white stones that adorn traditional qiang architecture .
- 为什么人们要精心打扮前去面试?
- Why do individuals dress up for an interview ?
- 他们装扮成鬼、巫婆或者可怕的吸血鬼。
- They dress up as ghosts witches or frightening dracula .
- 我需要为晚餐穿上礼服吗?
- Do I need to dress up for dinner ?
- 除了那些麻烦和头疼的问题,有一件事航空公司还是做得不错:用酷酷的彩绘装扮飞机。
- But for all the hassles and headaches there 's one things airlines still do right -- deck out their planes with cool paint jobs .
- 然后我用这3张牌的复制品做出一副完整的牌。
- Then I manufacture an entire deck out of duplicates of those three cards .
- 他仔细地尽可能多地描写真实可信的事件,用以装饰他那天花乱坠的故事。
- He is careful to deck out his extravagant tale with as many authentic touches as possible .