- 这应归功于亚洲需求,主要是针对顶级波尔多红酒的需求,特级勃艮第葡萄酒(grandcruburgundy)也日益吃香。
- This is thanks to asian demand , primarily for top red bordeaux , but also a growing thirst for grand cru burgundy .
- 我的余生充满了我天生的好奇心和对知识似乎无休止的渴求。
- An innate curiosity and a seemingly insatiable thirst for knowledge accounted for the rest .
- 这与我们对头条新闻、简单化答案以及明星式老总的渴望相悖。
- This runs counter to the desire for headlines and simplistic answers and our thirst for personalities .